Where can I fit at Yosemite?

Would you believe we were the only people in the Bay Area to have the great idea to drive to Yosemite National Park over the three-day Independence Day week-end? BWAH HA HA. The traffic passed from bad to worse to kind of amazing. We skipped the valley, opting instead for the north area of the park. We completed a hike to our highest elevation yet – 9926 at the top of Cloud’s Rest.

Tenaya Lake

Starting point: Tenaya Lake

On the way up

On the way up

yosemite c

Almost there

Clouds Rest

Clouds Rest

Half Dome from above

Half Dome from above

Many hours later, back at the Blackberry Inn Bed & Breakfast

Back at the B&B

A little door!

yosemite g


2 responses to “Where can I fit at Yosemite?

  1. I was expecting a plot twist and you to turn up hiding under the green bench. I was fooled. It was like a daytime soap opera. I am impressed and saddened at the same time. You have fans (well at least one) all the way across the country in Maine. Whodathunkit?

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