Category Archives: Fans Fit Too

Cutie pie fits in a box

Just for the joy of it.

Sister in a box

With Leah I share genotypes

and abiding love of stripes.

She can fit in a dryer!

Everybody loves a dryer, but this is the first washing machine. And a front-loader at that. Nice job Alessandra!

Ale washing machine 1

Ale washing machine 2

c. 2007 – I hope Alessandra is still squeezing in small spaces today.






Crates and Cupboards

My favorite boys are back in action!

What could be in the cupboard?crates and cupboards 1

Oh brother!crates and cupboards 2

Joe in a crate!crates and cupboards 3


Lucas gets into the act.crates and cupboards 4


Christina Ricci fits in too

Apparently not checking my website for 10 months caused me to miss out on the big news in Fitting, which was Christina Ricci doing some sexy fitting-in.

I fully support her newly discovered talent, but take exception to this activity being called #riccing.  Hence this post will be filed under Fans Fit Too.


Sometimes in the dog days of summer, you just need to get in the fridge.

Thanks for the tip DSL.



She’s so cool.

Jessie is small and bendy. And she has cool jobs. She made her job at NYC Fashion Week even cooler by fitting in a… cooler!

Jessie in a fridge Fashion Week

Don’t you wish you could escape the heat and fit in a refrigerator?

Climb on in

Steph can fit in a clown car!

clown car

Good job Steph.

Everybody loves a clown car.

Entertaining brothers fit in an entertainment center

Introducing Professor Parker’s amazing bendy offspring…

Jamies boys 1

jamies boys 2

Jamie's boys 3

jamies boys 4

Boys will be boys.

Cutie patootie! This toddler fits in a shoe rack.

My favorite boys never disappoint.

shoe rack 1

shoe rack 2

shoe rack 3

shoe rack 4

shoe rack 5

Thanks for pics Ms. Hayley.

So you want to fit a vagina sculpture

You may have seen in the news recently that an American exchange student got stuck trying to fit in a vagina sculpture in Germany.



The artist, Fernando de la Jara, had this to say, “It’s participatory art… It should be entered.” It’s just that, since the sculpture was installed in 2001, no one’s actually gotten stuck. “I believe [he got caught] because he had a lack of coordination” de la Jara said. “Or maybe it was a lack of sensibility.”

Leave it to experts, kiddo. THIS is how you fit a giant vagina sculpture.

11. Nelson

Been there, done that.

See more fitting in forbidden art here.