Category Archives: Flash Fitting

I can fit in a kiln

It’s been awhile, folks! But I can still fit in there. I can fit in a five chambered wood-fired ceramics kiln.

At a magical place, the Woolman campus of the Sierra Friends Center, there is a firing kiln that was built in 1970 as part of the Earth Air Fire Water program. If you’d like to know more, you can watch this meditative half hour documentary, The Climbing Kiln of Woolman Lane. None of these potters have ever been in a hurry.

Looks like there are plenty of materials for the next firing.

What’s in here?

Bowls and kettles and pots, oh my!

As long as no one is around…

I can fit in there!

If pottery is your thing, read more about the kiln here: Fire and art bring potters back to Woolman at Sierra Friends Center in Nevada City. Enjoy!

I can fit in a rusted truck bed

I love a good pile of old rusted out machine parts.

This was out the back way from our rental house in Mill Creek, CA.

This may not look like the most challenging thing to fit in, but getting into it without knocking over all the metal pipes was a bit of a challenge. Don’t worry, I’m up to date on my tetanus shot.

That’s it for 2020. Happy New Year!

I can fit in a tree at LAVO

Lassen Volcanic National Park is one of only five national parks with geothermal activity. The elevation can be tiring and the twisty cliffside roads are not for the faint of heart. But it’s worth it!

Bumpass Hell

Lassen Volcanic National Park is home to steaming fumaroles, meadows freckled with wildflowers, clear mountain lakes, and numerous volcanoes. Jagged peaks tell the story of its eruptive past while hot water continues to shape the land.

My favorite hike was 4.6 miles to Devil’s Kitchen. Along the way I saw zero other people which makes it perfect for social distancing and means you can pee anywhere.

This tree was so tall I couldn’t get it in one shot.

Okay, I confess — I went through the back door.

Knock on wood.

I can fit in the Diggins

The Diggins is my favorite place to hike. The century old mining site makes for an enchanting and sometimes spooky outing, particularly when the air is still and quiet.

Malakoff Diggins State Historic Park is nestled amongst the pine-studded chaparral forest of the Sierra Nevada Foothills and is home to California’s largest hydraulic gold mine. The 3,000-acre park encompasses the town of North Bloomfield and the historic Diggins site, which allows visitors to step back in time and experience the boom and bust of the California Gold Rush. Visitors can see huge cliffs carved by mighty jets of water, results of the gold-mining technique of washing away entire mountains to find gold. Legal battles between mine companies and the downstream agricultural towns of Marysville and Yuba City ended this particular method of mining, and was the first environmental lawsuit in the United States.  

Trail markers are replaced regularly as the old ones are buried in gravel from the eroding cliffs.

I’m sure this old mining equipment was left here for educational purposes.

I can fit in there… I could have fit in further but there was a large spider spinning a web and I didn’t want to disturb her.

It seems we are not the only visitors at the Diggins today.

I can fit in a burlap bag

Thank you to the friendly neighbor on Buy Nothing Grass Valley who offered this burlap bag to overwinter my bay tree. Originally it held coffee from Carolines Coffee Roasters. It can also hold me.

Have a warm and toasty weekend!

I can fit in a mattress box

Oh joy! I found pictures from the before time.

Can’t believe this mattress came out of that box.


It is not going to fit back in.

But I can fit in there!

Yes, I am.


I can fit in a tuk-tuk

Just delivered! Learning what other people do at work can be so interesting. Watch out world– a fuel efficient auto-rickshaw is in development.





I CAN fit in a suitcase

After failed attempts, finally success! I’m no Jessie, but I can fit in there.






Thank you so much to my trusty assistants Brian and Sarah!






I can fit in a chandelier

When I said I was trapped at work…

I can pee in there

Digging through old photos…

Ben Nevis is the tallest mountain in the UK with a summit of 4,413′.

Everybody pees in the observatory ruins.


And to think I didn’t used to be outdoorsy.