Tag Archives: Nevada County

I can fit in a kiln

It’s been awhile, folks! But I can still fit in there. I can fit in a five chambered wood-fired ceramics kiln.

At a magical place, the Woolman campus of the Sierra Friends Center, there is a firing kiln that was built in 1970 as part of the Earth Air Fire Water program. If you’d like to know more, you can watch this meditative half hour documentary, The Climbing Kiln of Woolman Lane. None of these potters have ever been in a hurry.

Looks like there are plenty of materials for the next firing.

What’s in here?

Bowls and kettles and pots, oh my!

As long as no one is around…

I can fit in there!

If pottery is your thing, read more about the kiln here: Fire and art bring potters back to Woolman at Sierra Friends Center in Nevada City. Enjoy!