Tag Archives: box

I can fit in a mattress box

Oh joy! I found pictures from the before time.

Can’t believe this mattress came out of that box.


It is not going to fit back in.

But I can fit in there!

Yes, I am.


Cutie pie fits in a box

Just for the joy of it.


Just a box

Sister in a box

With Leah I share genotypes

and abiding love of stripes.

I can fit in a flat screen box

I guess twelve years was long enough to keep the old TV.

flat screen box 1

flat screen box 2

flat screen box 3



I can fit in my birthday present

Let us reminisce of birthdays past. When I was but a lass of 38 my man gave me this fantastic gift. Grill, baby, grill!

grill 1

grill 2

grill 3

grill 4

grill 5


Just a box.

I see you looking back at me.

just a box

I can fit in a big girl box.

Why hello! It’s been awhile.  I hope you are still there. You may have wondered (worried?) that I stopped fitting in things. Not to fear! I have been fitting in things as the spirit strikes me. But I have a j-o-b, which has absorbed ALL of my time this year. I have a backlog of at least ten things I’ve fit in, but didn’t have time to post. Plus fan submitted pics!

What to start with? What significant thing happened this year? Well, I turned 40. And for my 40th birthday my man got me a big girl bike (my other bike is a convenient but dorky Dahon commuter folding bike). Can I fit in the bike box? Why yes, yes I can.

bike a - Big Girl Bike!

Big Girl Bike!

bike b

bike c - team lift

Practicing my side plank

Practicing my side plank

bike e

Hey there - plenty of room in this awesome box.

Hey there – plenty of room in this awesome box.

Special thanks to my trusty assistant – the man with the two red shoes.

This end up.

Special thanks to my trusty assistant David. David’s first job as intern was to put together my new filing cabinet and then carve eye holes in the box. You’ll go far David.



I Can Fit In A Mystery Crate

What could be in the box?

1. Airdrop


2. Airdrop